The mouse family is lucky to have a strong and noble little brother-mouse. He's a straight-A student, plays on the school's football team, and has a bunch of friends.
The whole family looks at him with admiration.
- Big Brother Mouse in a Matchbox plush toy
- Explore Levlov’s toys - pure and simple wonder of imagination. Beautiful cotton toys that will look beautiful in your home!
- Each toy is full of unexpected and whimsical details that will spark the imagination of even the youngest of children.
- The timeless, unique, beautiful and incredibly special toys and accessories for every age.
- Each toy made with care, love and high quality standards.
Big Brother Mouse in a Matchbox plush toy Explore Levlov’s toys - pure and simple wonder of imagination. Beautiful cotton toys that will look beautiful in your home! Each toy is full of unexpected and whimsical details that will spark the imagination of even the youngest of children. The timeless, unique, beautiful and incredibly special toys and accessories for every age. Each toy made with care, love and high quality standards.